Reprogram your mind to think, feel & behave differently.

Did you know that your subconscious is responsible for 90-95% of your actions and was almost completely programed by the time you were 7 years old? You developed many beliefs by the time you were 7 that you are still living by today as an adult. Some of these beliefs have served you well, while others have not.

RTT helps rewire long-standing thoughts and beliefs that are unconsciously sabotaging or holding you back. In order to break these old patterns you need a combination of awareness of the root cause, reversing those old beliefs and thoughts, and taking some real life action to create new, long-lasting neural pathways.


“I save my clients money and time by getting to the root cause of their issue in just one session.”

- April Behunin RTT, C. Hyp.


“Working with April was truly a blessing to my life. RTT is like nothing I've ever experienced and I've done it all. During our session we walked through door I didn't even know were still open. Immediately after our session I felt lighter. I shut the doors behind me and felt a sense of relief and grace. I still listen to my personalized hypnosis recording every night before bed. If you are considering RTT, not only is the experience life changing, but April brings a special gentleness to the experience. Try it! You won't regret it!”

— Kindra M.

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